As damage from Hurricane Ian subsides, many drivers in Florida, Georgia and the Carolinas are wondering if their auto insurer will pay to repair the damage to their car.
The answer: It depends on your coverage. Some policies will let drivers foot the bill, while other plans will cover all repair costs. Not sure what type of coverage you have? Experts say the policy documents provided by your auto insurer should detail the specifics.
Here’s a look at whether the most common auto insurance plans cover hurricane damage.
Collision insurance
- 1 Collision insurance
- 2 Liability only
- 3 Comprehensive policy
- 4 What is catastrophe risk in insurance?
- 5 Is a garage safe in a hurricane?
- 6 How much wind does it take to damage a car?
- 7 Can Hurricanes destroy cars?

Drivers with collision insurance will not be covered for hurricane damage. Read also : Cheap car insurance for high risk drivers. This is because collision covers a policy holder only if someone is in a car wreck, said Scott Holeman, spokesman for the Insurance Information Institute in New York.
Collision insurance helps a policyholder pay for repairs on their vehicle, and that’s about it. It does not cover damage to someone else’s vehicle or any bodily injury sustained by the driver in an accident. Collision policies also do not cover accidents involving animals or car damage due to natural disasters, fire or theft.
Drivers who have financed their car purchase typically have collision insurance, and pay a deductible up front so that the insurance provider can then pay for the rest of the repairs after an accident.
Liability only

This level of auto coverage is required by most states, including Florida, Georgia and the Carolinas (exceptions: New Hampshire and Virginia). Liability insurance covers any injury or damage you cause to other drivers in an accident. On the same subject : Can Theft Be Covered With Car Insurance?. That means liability insurance alone won’t cover hurricane damage, Holeman said.
Drivers who purchase liability insurance should also upgrade the policy to comprehensive coverage, also known as “full coverage”. The big difference between liability only and comprehensive coverage is that comprehensive coverage pays for liability as well as damage to your own vehicle. Liability insurance is generally about 64% cheaper for drivers compared to full coverage, with the former costing about $720 a year and the latter averaging $1,997 a year, according to data from -WalletHub.
Comprehensive policy

Drivers with comprehensive auto insurance are covered for hurricane damage. Comprehensive coverage pays for damage to your vehicle, the other person’s vehicle and any medical bills you each incur. This may interest you : 24 auto insurance discounts worth asking about your insurance today. Comprehensive coverage also includes collision protection and pays for weather-related damage, such as dents from a snowstorm or flooding caused by a hurricane.
Nearly 80% of U.S. drivers have comprehensive coverage, Holeman told CBS MoneyWatch. If you’re still not sure what type of policy you have, submit a request anyway and your insurer will respond and explain the type of coverage, he said.
Christopher J. Brooks is a reporter for CBS MoneyWatch who covers business, consumer and financial stories ranging from economic inequality and housing issues to bankruptcies and sports business.
Catastrophe limit means the amount of cover that applies to all losses in all locations during each separate 12-month period of this policy; this is limited to the expiry or anniversary date.
What is catastrophe risk in insurance?

1A catastrophic risk is one where a large number of people are exposed to the risk of great loss due to the occurrence of a hazard. It can be a natural disaster in the form of earthquakes, floods, drafts or even a terrorist attack resulting in loss of life, destruction of infrastructure on a large scale.
What are examples of catastrophic loss? A catastrophic loss is a severe event that results in greater than usual losses. Examples of catastrophic losses that occurred in 2018 are: Hurricanes Florence and Michael, and the November Woolsey and Camp fires.
What is classed as a catastrophe?
Definition of catastrophe 1: a major tragic event ranging from extreme misfortune to total demolition or ruin Deforestation and erosion can lead to ecological catastrophe.
Is hail damage considered a catastrophe?
In addition, the section below provides state catastrophe rankings, followed by information on the following disaster types: Blizzards. Hurricanes. Tornadoes.
What is the difference between a disaster and a catastrophe?
A fire in a single family home is an accident or emergency; a fire that consumes a few city blocks is a disaster; and a wildfire that destroys several communities, requiring mass evacuation and reconstruction is a catastrophe.
What are catastrophic events?
Catastrophic events are sudden, natural or man-made, situations where change and destruction occur. All catastrophic events are the Earth’s way of maintaining equilibrium during change.
Is catastrophic a risk insurance?
Due to higher risk premiums, insurance coverage for catastrophe risks exists but is simply unaffordable for individuals.
Is catastrophic loss insurable?
Catastrophe insurance protects businesses and homes against natural disasters such as earthquakes, floods and hurricanes, and against man-made disasters such as riots or terrorist attacks. These low-probability, high-cost events are generally excluded from standard homeowner’s insurance policies.
What is a catastrophe in insurance?
A catastrophe is defined by the insurance industry as an event that causes loss of insured property that exceeds established monetary amounts and that affects a significant number of policyholders and insurers.
What does catastrophe mean in insurance?
A catastrophe is defined by the insurance industry as an event that causes loss of insured property that exceeds established monetary amounts and that affects a significant number of policyholders and insurers.
What is catastrophe reinsurance coverage?
Catastrophe reinsurance is purchased by an insurance company to reduce its exposure to the financial risks of a catastrophic event occurring. It allows insurance companies to transfer some or all of the risk associated with the policies you underwrite in exchange for a portion of the premiums it charges policyholders.
What does catastrophic loss mean in insurance?
A catastrophic loss is a severe event that results in greater than usual losses.
What are catastrophe claims?
Catastrophe claims are contractual obligations to be fulfilled by property and casualty insurers to their policyholders in the event of loss or damage to home or property as a result of disasters such as hurricanes, tornados , floods, or other natural disasters.
Is a garage safe in a hurricane?

Garages are not a safe place to take shelter during a hurricane or tornado. When used correctly, hurricane-rated garage doors offer substantial protection. However, it is still not enough to withstand the wind speeds of hurricanes or intense tornadoes.
Should I seal my garage door during a hurricane? After researching the best practices to protect your garage door, we found the answer. The garage door must be completely closed, not allowing any wind to enter. Leaving the door cracked can make your home vulnerable to damage from wind pressure fluctuations and potentially flying debris.
How do you hurricane proof a garage?
5 Ways to Hurricane Proof Your Garage
- Invest In A Wind Resistant Garage Door.
- Install Garage Door Kits.
- Reduce The Embarrassment.
- Inspect the Electrical Wiring.
- Protect From Water Damage.
How do you brace a garage door for a hurricane?
How much does a hurricane impact garage door cost?
Impact-resistant and hurricane-resistant garage doors cost between $750 and $1,295.
Is a car in a garage safe during a tornado?
No, garage doors are probably the weakest walls in any building, and once broken, the vehicle can easily be picked up and blown away by the wind. Avoid even the room next to the garage.
Can you survive a tornado in your car?
There are no safe options when caught in a tornado in a car, only slightly less dangerous ones. If the tornado is visible, far away, and traffic is light, you may be able to drive out of its path by moving at right angles to the tornado. Seek shelter in a strong building, or underground if possible.
Why is a bathtub safe in a tornado?
“The bathroom has a strong frame and the pipes in the walls can help hold them together, according to,†AccuWeather wrote in 2011. âThe bathtub and commode are anchored directly to the floor. They are often the only things left intact after a tornado passes.â
Is a car safer than a house in a tornado?
They explained that this theory is nonsense. In the event of a tornado, you are not safe in either a mobile home or a car, and it is crucial to make sure that a permanent structure is pre-established nearby where your family will seek shelter in a tornado.
How much wind does it take to damage a car?
Storms that exceed 100 miles per hour greatly increase the damage your car can experience. At this speed, the wind is strong enough to throw larger objects at your vehicle, dent the side panels or shatter the glass.
How much wind is too much for a car? At What Wind Speed Is It Unsafe to Drive? According to the National Weather Service, driving conditions can become difficult for high-profile vehicles when winds reach 30-45 mph. When wind speeds hit 40-58 mph driving becomes more difficult for smaller profile vehicles and even more dangerous for larger vehicles.
Can 15 mph winds do damage?
Winds of 15-25 mph, with gusts up to 45 mph, can blow around unsecured items, uproot tree limbs and potentially cause power outages.
What wind speed can houses withstand?
According to a report from FEMA, new wood frame homes built to building code perform well structurally, in winds up to 150 mph, while steel homes can withstand winds up to 170 mph. However, building wind-resistant houses can cost about 7 to 9 percent more than less wind-resistant structures.
Can a 15 mph wind burn?
Suitable wind speeds for burning are Iâ10 mph. For grass burning, wind speed should be 5 mph and less. For brush, wind speeds less than 10 mph are acceptable. Small, hot fires help spread and produce less smoke.
At what wind speed does damage occur?
“Extreme Threat to Life and Property from High Winds.” “Strong damaging winds” with sustained speeds greater than 58 mph, or frequent wind gusts greater than 58 mph. The damaging wind conditions are consistent with a high wind warning.
Can 80 mph winds lift a car?
An average person can be moved by a 67 mph wind, and an average car can be moved by a 90 mph wind.
Does wind damage your car?
The wind itself will not necessarily cause damage to your vehicle, but the debris it carries will. Strong winds carrying sticks, branches, trash and other objects can hit your car, resulting in scratches, dirt or cuts.
Can a car get blown over by wind?
But what about the wind speed? Winds of even 30 to 45 mph can make driving much more dangerous. First, they can actually blow your car off course. Second, they can blow other vehicles, including large tractor-trailers, off course, creating a significant hazard for other drivers on the road.
At what speed does wind cause damage?
“Extreme Threat to Life and Property from High Winds.” “Strong damaging winds” with sustained speeds greater than 58 mph, or frequent wind gusts greater than 58 mph. The damaging wind conditions are consistent with a high wind warning.
Can Hurricanes destroy cars?
Hurricane season typically runs from June to November, and depending on the year, the consequences of this season can be disastrous. For example, Hurricane Harvey, which occurred in 2017, destroyed up to a million cars across Texas and neighboring states.
Can a hurricane change a car? Hurricanes also bring strong winds. These winds can be strong enough to overturn cars, topple trees, and tear roofs off buildings.
What happens to cars in hurricanes?
The vehicle is typically then sold at a salvage auction to junkyards or vehicle rebuilders. It is legal to resell to consumers if the defect is noted on the title, the vehicle has been rebuilt, and the vehicle has received a ârebuiltâ title. Beware of flood damaged vehicles with clean or âlostâ titles.
How do cars prepare for hurricanes?
Preparing Your Car For A Hurricane
- Complete Car Maintenance. Throughout the year, you should be keeping up with car maintenance. …
- Assemble an Emergency Kit. You may not have roadside assistance. …
- Park In A Safe Area. Park your car in a garage, if you have one. …
- Fill The Tank. …
- Be Informed.
Where should I put my car during a hurricane?
Stay away from basement parking lots that can get flooded, and avoid any damage from a car storm. Car parks inside malls, multi-level parking, and buildings with upper floor parking are ideal.
What happens to all the cars in floods?
Totaled cars are typically sold at salvage auctions to junkyards and re-vehicles. Resale to consumers may be legal if flood damage is disclosed on the title.
Are cars ruined after flood?
Water can ruin electronics, lubricants, and mechanical systems. It may take months or years, but corrosion can find its way to the car’s vital electronics, including airbag controllers. Consumers must thoroughly inspect any used car before buying one (or paying a mechanic to do so).
Are flooded cars worth buying?
So, are flood damaged cars worth buying? Probably not unless you have a really good deal. Therefore, any car that has been submerged in water should be sold well below its market value unless the dealership has proof of extensive restoration.
What happens to cars with flood damage?
Most of them are either scrapped and recycled or can be broken down into parts. In some cases, owners may try to dry out a vehicle and then sell it, without notifying the buyer that it was flooded, according to the National Insurance Crime Bureau.
Is a car still good after a flood?
When in doubt, do not drive a flooded car until you know the extent of the damage. You can return to your vehicle hours or even days after the water recedes. Bad water can infiltrate the engine, so starting the car can make a bad problem much worse (and more expensive).
Can a hurricane damage a car?
Flooding from Hurricane Ian damaged thousands of cars in Florida – but not all of them end up in the scrap yard. In the weeks following natural disasters like Hurricane Ian, damaged cars can end up miles from the storm’s path in a used car lot.