Almost every state has at least a certain amount of car insurance that drivers must carry to use their roads. These requirements are often referred to as the minimum because they are the minimum minimum of car insurance that a driver can carry to drive legally. Delaware is one such state that has its own minimum requirements in place. Drivers who want to save on car insurance will ask themselves if they can manage with the lowest possible car insurance.
For the most part, the answer is that everyone would feel better beyond the minimum requirements for car insurance. But because Delaware is not exactly New York or California, there is slightly more leeway than usual for lower car insurance rates. To answer this question regarding Delaware, let’s really look at the minimum requirements for car insurance in Diamond State.
Delaware enforces general liability car insurance with the 25/50/10 rule that is present in other states. This is not an official rule, but a practical way to remember the minimum limits of basic liability – at least $ 25,000 in personal injury per person, $ 50,000 in personal injury per accident and $ 10,000 in property damage. What also makes Delaware unique with its auto insurance claims is also at least $ 15,000 in personal injury protection (PIP) with $ 30,000 per accident. This is so that the driver who is to blame for the damage can also be covered on his own instead of being left with these expenses.
While all of this may sound more than average, Delaware actually has some of the lowest car insurance rates in the country. It has been reported that minimum car insurance costs $ 355 annually. This is the cheapest with USAA; The next on the list would be State Farm, with an annual rate of $ 791. Of course, the prices for car insurance also depend on the driver and their vehicle, so the average is a bit difficult to determine.
Normally, car insurance companies always promote buying more coverage than the minimum requirement if you can afford it. This is not a marketing gimmick, but rather a cautious recommendation since car accidents can cost hundreds of thousands of dollars, with only tens of thousands of dollars as coverage, making you a little short-lived. Driving underinsured or without car insurance at all is not worth it, as it can result in fines and driver’s license suspension. Even in Delaware’s case, it’s better to be safe than sorry with automatic coverage.
Full car insurance in Delaware, complete with comprehensive and collision coverage, is around $ 1775 annually. It is around the national average. You could argue that safe driving and living in rural Delaware is one reason to choose minimum car insurance. Still, you will not risk one day ending up in an accident with a luxury car owner with parts whose repair costs exceed your coverage limits. It is not a question of how expensive car accidents will be, but rather when they will occur.
Samuel Rakestraw is an insurance analyst at Insurance Navy.